Results for 'Yoysef Ḥayem ben Avigdor Efroyem Fishl Friedman'

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  1. Di himlishe anṭpleḳung: di ṿunderlikhe dertseylung iber di goldene tḳufeh ṿen der Boyre kol oylomim hot unz gegebn di heylige Toyreh dramaṭish un herlikh forgeshṭelṭ loyṭ di reyd fun ḥakhomeynu zikroynom li-vrokheh.Yoysef Ḥayem ben Avigdor Efroyem Fishl Friedman - 2021 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.?]: [Yoysef Ḥayem ben Avigdor Efroyem Fishl Friedman].
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  2. Der ṭoyer tsum lebn: Sefer Ḥovot ha-levavot, Shaʻar ha-beḥinah: miṭn peyresh Or Avigdor..Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda & Avigdor Miller (eds.) - 2015 - Monsi, N.Y.: Hotsaʼat sefarim Shibole ha-leḳeṭ.
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  3. (1 other version)Sefer Or ha-yashar ṿeha-ṭov.P. Lowy, Ẓevi Hirsch Friedman & David ben Aryeh Leib (eds.) - 1988 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: P.E. Laṿi.
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  4. Sefer Pedut Yaʻaḳov: Liḳuṭ Mi-Divre Ḥazal Bi-Devarim Ha-Meḳarvim Et Ha-Geʼulah.Yaʻaḳov Yeḥizḳiyah ben Aharon Tsevi Avigdor Fish & Shemuʼel Aharon ben Yaʻaḳov Ḥizḳiyahu Fish (eds.) - 2005 - [Yerushalayim: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Homogeneous changes in cofinalities with applications to HOD.Omer Ben-Neria & Spencer Unger - 2017 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 17 (2):1750007.
    We present a new technique for changing the cofinality of large cardinals using homogeneous forcing. As an application we show that many singular cardinals in [Formula: see text] can be measurable in HOD. We also answer a related question of Cummings, Friedman and Golshani by producing a model in which every regular uncountable cardinal [Formula: see text] in [Formula: see text] is [Formula: see text]-supercompact in HOD.
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    The Separation Thesis.Ben Wempe - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (4):555-559.
    Is business intimately related to ethics or can the two be separated? I argue that examining this question by focusing on how the two areas might be separated is logically flawed. Examining how business and ethics are connected, however, can bear fruit. This examination shows that business is a proper subset of ethics. Understanding this intimate connection has two practical benefits. It removes the seemingly incommensurable conflict between financial and ethical responsibilities of managers and it gives us new and positive (...)
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    Review of William Demopoulos’ On Theories: Logical Empiricism and the Methodology of Modern Physics- William Demopoulos, On Theories: Logical Empiricism and the Methodology of Modern Physics, edited by Michael Friedman. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (2022), 272 pp., $39.95 (hardcover). [REVIEW]Yemima Ben-Menahem - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (1):222-225.
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    Two Roads to the Land: A Contiguous Reading of Two Anti-War Novels by Avigdor Hameiri and M. Y. Ben-Gavriêl.Sebastian Schirrmeister - 2015 - Naharaim 9 (1-2):108-127.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 9 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 108-127.
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    Killing the Goose That Lays the Golden Egg: The Politics of Milton Friedman’s Economics.Darel E. Paul & Michael MacDonald - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (4):565-588.
    It’s a commonplace that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke draws his policies from Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz’s A Monetary History of the United States. With that in mind, this article establishes five points. First, contrary to conventional wisdom, Friedman and Schwartz merely insinuate their claim the Fed caused the Depression in MH. Second, their criticisms of Fed policy during the Depression, which turn on its refusal to adopt open market purchases, repudiate Friedman’s famed libertarianism and market (...)
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  10. Haider, Hilde, 495 Hobson, J. Allan, 429 Huntjens, Rafaële JC, 377 Huron, Caroline, 535.Frederick Aardema, Henk Aarts, Anna Abraham, Richard L. Abrams, Richard J. Addante, Karzan Jalal Ali, William P. Banks, Cristina Becchio, D. Ben Shalom & Cesare Bertone - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14:788-789.
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    Stakeholders Perception and Attitude Based Framework for Developing Responsible Management Education (RME) Programs.Abdalla Khidir Abdalla, Saud Ben Khudair, Abuzar El Jelly & Ilham Mansour - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 17:47-74.
    Contributing to the efforts to foster business postgraduate students development toward becoming responsible business leaders is the goal of this study by examining the state of responsible management education in business postgraduate programs in Sudan. We examined perceptions and attitudes toward responsible management and its education among postgraduate-level students and constructed a comprehensive framework appropriate for developing responsible management education programs in under-developed countries. This study’s data were gathered via a structured questionnaire answered by 106 postgraduate business students from the (...)
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    The Discourse of Identity in the Maghreb between Difference and Universality.Jameleddine Ben Abdeljelil - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 7:09.
    The discourse of identity in the Arab context in general and in the Maghrebi context in particular is a modern phenomenon and is of central importance. In the Maghreb this discourse is related to modernization efforts, with the de-colonization struggle and its ideology, and with the nation-state-building genesis, process, and legitimisation after independence. A fundamental part in the developmental process of this discourse, there-fore, is the difference from, as well as the non-negotiable and hegemonic presence of, the "Other". The evolution (...)
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  13. Consciousness: Introduction.Donald C. Abel - 2014 - Essays in Philosophy 15 (2):244-248.
    This is the editorial introduction to the four papers on consciousness comprising the July 2014 issue of Essays in Philosophy (vol. 15, issue 2). The four authors are Keith E. Turausky, John K. Grandy, Adam Green, and Ben Gubran.
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  14. Sefer Elef binah: Torah ṿe-ḥokhmah u-musar.Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 2006 - Nahariyah: Yeshivat Abir Yaʻaḳov, Or Meʼir Śimḥah.
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  15. Sefer Penine Abir Yaʻaḳov: leḳeṭ peninim, amarot, ḥidushim be-khol miḳtsoʻot ha-Torah... ha-mevusas ʻal divre musar..Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 1995 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Avraham. Edited by Shimʻon Aviḥatsira.
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  16. Sefer Shaʻare arukhah: divre musar kevushin le-Yamim Noraʼim.Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat ha-Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat Ner Yitsḥaḳ.
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  17. Sefer ha-Zikhronot: ʻaśarah zikhronot me-dinim rabim ha-shekhiḥim, metubalim be-musarim neʻimim..Samuel ben Abraham Aboab - 2013 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Ahavat Shalom.
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  18. Sefer Or la-yesharim: perush ʻal Mesilat yesharim: liḳuṭ me-avot Tenuʻat ha-musar ha-shofkhim or ʻal ha-Mesilat yesharim.Yitsḥaḳ Raḥamim ben Eliyahu ʻAbud & Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto (eds.) - 1991 - Yerushalayim: Y.R. ʻAbud.
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    Approachable free subsets and fine structure derived scales.Dominik Adolf & Omer Ben-Neria - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (7):103428.
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  20. Fundamenta scientiae, 9, 1988, 189-202 (slightly revised) neo-classical economics as 18th century theory of.Joseph Agassi - manuscript
    1. The Real Claim of the Chicago School If anything dramatic has happened in economic theory over the last one hundred years – namely, since the advent of marginalism – then, everyone agrees, it was not the rise of the Chicago neo -classical school which, after all, only synthesized the various versions of marginalism, but the Keynesian Revolution. Assessments of this revolution were repeatedly invited, particularly by opponent, chiefly from Chicago. F. A. von Hayek has explicitly and bitterly blames Keynes (...)
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    The micro-macro non-problem: The Parsonianization of American sociological theory.Ben Agger - 1991 - Human Studies 14 (1):81-98.
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  22. Da zhong zhe xue: ren shi lun, ben ti lun, fang fa lun.Siqi Ai - 1989 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao Wan li shu tan.
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  23. Philosophical Psychology would like to thank our reviewers for their generous contributions to the journal in 2010. Jonathan Adler Kenneth Aizawa.Kathleen Akins, Pignocchi Alessandro, Joshua Alexander, Anna Alexandrova, Keith Allen, Sophie Allen, Colin Allen, Maria Alvarez, Santiago Amaya & Ben Ambridge - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (6):845-848.
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    On [math]-strongly measurable cardinals in [math] extensions.Navin Aksornthong, Takehiko Gappo, James Holland & Grigor Sargsyan - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We show that in the [math] extension of a certain Chang-type model of determinacy, if [math], then the restriction of the club filter on [math] Cof[math] to HOD is an ultrafilter in HOD. This answers Question 4.11 of [O. Ben-Neria and Y. Hayut, On [math]-strongly measurable cardinals, Forum Math. Sigma 11 (2023) e19].
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  25. Sefer Divre Yosef.Yosef ben Moshe Alashqar - 1996 - Lod: Orot Yahadut ha-Magreb. Edited by Mosheh Amar & Yaʻaḳov Shemuʼel Shpigel.
    ʻEdut be-Hosef -- Derekh ʻets ha-ḥayim -- Refuʼat ha-nefesh -- ha-Tapuaḥ.
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    Avrupa”, “avrupalilik”, hiri̇sti̇yan “avrupa fi̇kri̇” ve “di̇n.Mevlüt Albayrak - 2018 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 28:1-26.
    Bu çalışmada, Avrupa, Avrupalılık, Avrupa fikri ve din kavramlarının açılımı ele alınacaktır. Tüm bu kavramların içinde Türkiye‘nin kendine özgü, kendi özü içinde bir baş ya da bir ada olduğu tezi savunulacaktır. Avrupalılık ve Türkiye içerikleri bakımından özdeştir. Avrupa, Avrupalılar için gerçek bir kıta ve fikirdir, ancak, kanaatimce, bu küremizdeki insanlar ve tüm canlılar için tehdit olabilecektir. Avrupa, eninde sonunda çökecektir. Avrupa‘nın çöküşü, kanaatimce, dünyamızdaki ―Öteki Başlar‖ için çok daha önemlidir. ben başka bir fikre inanıyorum, yeni bir baş, yeni bir etki (...)
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  27. Daʻat Torah.Pesaḥ Ben-Zion Alexandrovitz - 1926 - [Kaunas,:
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  28. Sefer Imre binah: ha-shalem: ḥidot u-fitronim, hen be-divre Torah ṿe-hen be-mile de-ʻalma... ; remazim be-shemot ha-ḳodesh ṿe-ʻeser sefirot ; 18 sheʼelot u-teshuvot śikhliyot ṿe-niflaʼot ; u-shete derashot ʻal ḥinukh Bet Midrash Talmud Torah.Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam - 2018 - Yerushalayim: Yeshuʻah ben Daṿid Salim. Edited by Yosef Ḥayim ben ʻOvadyah Mizraḥi, Yeshuʻah ben Daṿid Salim & Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam.
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    Medical Ghostwriting and Informed Consent.Ben Almassi - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (9):491-499.
    Ghostwriting in its various forms has received critical scrutiny from medical ethicists, journal editors, and science studies scholars trying to explain where ghostwriting goes wrong and ascertain how to counter it. Recent analyses have characterized ghostwriting as plagiarism or fraud, and have urged that it be deterred through stricter compliance with journal submission requirements, conflict of interest disclosures, author-institutional censure, legal remedies, and journals' refusal to publish commercially sponsored articles. As a supplement to such efforts, this paper offers a critical (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Regimiento de la vida.Moses ben Baruch Almosnino & John Zemke - 2004 - Tempe, Ariz.: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Edited by John Zemke & Moses ben Baruch Almosnino.
  31. Hayy ben Yaqdhân.Abū Bakr ibn al-Ṫufail & Abū Jaʻfar - 1936 - Beyrouth,: Imprimerie catholique. Edited by Léon Gauthier.
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    Shedding New Light on Ancient Objects.Ben F. S. Altshuler & Thomas Mannack - 2014 - Arion 22 (1):53.
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  33. Sefer Bet midot.Jehiel ben Jekuthiel Anau - 1971 - [Farnborough,: Gregg.
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  34. Metaphysics and Method in Descartes and Kant.Abraham Anderson - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (174).
    This essay is a review of Daniel Garber's "Descartes' Metaphysical Physics" (Chicago U P 1992) and Michael Friedman's "Kant and the Exact Sciences" (Harvard U P 1992). Garber's study of Descartes is scrupulous but his historicist assumptions result in a failure to grasp Descartes' originality or the unity and power of his thought. Friedman, by taking Kant's conception of science seriously, sheds great light on Kant's thought generally and implicitly raises important philosophical problems for the present day.
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  35. (1 other version)Multiverse Conceptions in Set Theory.Carolin Antos, Sy-David Friedman, Radek Honzik & Claudio Ternullo - 2015 - Synthese 192 (8):2463-2488.
    We review different conceptions of the set-theoretic multiverse and evaluate their features and strengths. In Sect. 1, we set the stage by briefly discussing the opposition between the ‘universe view’ and the ‘multiverse view’. Furthermore, we propose to classify multiverse conceptions in terms of their adherence to some form of mathematical realism. In Sect. 2, we use this classification to review four major conceptions. Finally, in Sect. 3, we focus on the distinction between actualism and potentialism with regard to the (...)
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    The Hyperuniverse Project and Maximality.Carolin Antos, Sy-David Friedman, Radek Honzik & Claudio Ternullo (eds.) - 2018 - Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser.
    This collection documents the work of the Hyperuniverse Project which is a new approach to set-theoretic truth based on justifiable principles and which leads to the resolution of many questions independent from ZFC. The contributions give an overview of the program, illustrate its mathematical content and implications, and also discuss its philosophical assumptions. It will thus be of wide appeal among mathematicians and philosophers with an interest in the foundations of set theory. The Hyperuniverse Project was supported by the John (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Universism and extensions of V.Carolin Antos, Neil Barton & Sy-David Friedman - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):112-154.
    A central area of current philosophical debate in the foundations of mathematics concerns whether or not there is a single, maximal, universe of set theory. Universists maintain that there is such a universe, while Multiversists argue that there are many universes, no one of which is ontologically privileged. Often model-theoretic constructions that add sets to models are cited as evidence in favour of the latter. This paper informs this debate by developing a way for a Universist to interpret talk that (...)
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    Utopies réalisables.Manola Antonioli & Étienne Delprat - 2021 - Multitudes 83 (2):197-205.
    Les auteurs présentent les pratiques des collectifs d’architectes, designers, artistes et citoyens qui occupent le devant de la scène depuis la fin des années 1990 dans les espaces urbains, en formulant l’hypothèse qu’ils s’inspirent (de façon plus ou moins consciente et explicite) des écrits et des expérimentations menées par les représentants de la mouvance architecturale dite « radicale » qui les a précédés dans les années 1970. Dans cette perspective, ils analysent en particulier l’héritage de la notion d’« utopie réalisable (...)
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  39. Department of Foreign Literature and Linguistics Ben Gurion University of the Negev PO Box 653 Be'er Sheva 84 105 Israel. [REVIEW]Edna Aphek, Jewish Theological Seminary & Neve Schechter - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    A global version of a theorem of Ben-David and Magidor.Arthur W. Apter & James Cummings - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (3):199-222.
    We prove a consistency result about square principles and stationary reflection which generalises the result of Ben-David and Magidor [4].
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    More on HOD-supercompactness.Arthur W. Apter, Shoshana Friedman & Gunter Fuchs - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (3):102901.
    We explore Woodin's Universality Theorem and consider to what extent large cardinal properties are transferred into HOD (and other inner models). We also separate the concepts of supercompactness, supercompactness in HOD and being HOD-supercompact. For example, we produce a model where a proper class of supercompact cardinals are not HOD-supercompact but are supercompact in HOD. Additionally we introduce a way to measure the degree of HOD-supercompactness of a supercompact cardinal, and we develop methods to control these degrees simultaneously for a (...)
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    Review of Lainie Friedman Ross, Children in Medical Research: Access Versus Protection[REVIEW]David Archard - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (9).
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    Autarchies: the invention of selfishness.David Ashford - 2017 - Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    The philosophy of Ayn Rand has had a role equal or greater than that of Milton Friedman or F.A. Hayek in shaping the contemporary neo-liberal consensus. Its impact was powerful on architects of Reaganomics such as Alan Greenspan, former Director of the World Bank, and the new breed of American industrialists who developed revolutionary information technologies in Silicon Valley. But what do we really know of Rand's philosophy? Is her gospel of selfishness really nothing more than a reiteration of (...)
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  44. Sefer Musar melakhim: musarim la-lekhet be-darkhe yesharim ṿa-ḥakhamim bi-devarim sheha-levavot malhivim meyusadim ʻal divre ha-Tanaʼim shebe-Masekhet Avot... /‏.Mosheh Yitsḥaḳ ben Shemuʼel Ashkenazi - 2021 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Or ha-ṭov. Edited by Yehuda Iṭaḥ.
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    Deutsch-israelische Annäherungen in Geisteswissenschaften und Kulturpolitik.Irene Aue-Ben-David, Michael Brenner & Kärin Nickelsen - 2017 - Naharaim 11 (1-2):5-11.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 11 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 5-11.
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    Meetings with Remarkable Women. Buddhist Teachers in America. Lenore Friedman.Jack Austin - 1991 - Buddhist Studies Review 8 (1-2):244-247.
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    הנוסחים העבריים של המאמר הרביעי של הביאור האמצעי של אבן רשד לספר המידות על־שם ניקומאכוס לאריסטו.Lawrence V. Averroës, Berman & Samuel ben Judah - 1981 - Yerushalayim: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Edited by Lawrence V. Berman & Samuel ben Judah.
    Translation of: Talkhaios kitaab al-Akhlaaq, book 4.
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  48. Sefer Maʼamar ha-hakhraʻah u-ḳeviʻat ha-ḳesher she-ben ha-dat ṿeha-filosofyah.Ilai Averroës & Alon - 1985 - [Israel]: Mifʻalim universiṭaʼiyim. Edited by Ilai Alon.
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    Sefer Derekh yesharah: magid la-adam ezohi derekh yesharah she-yavor lo mi-sheʻat ḳumo mi-miṭato ba-boḳer, ṿe-ʻad ʻet yishkav la-num et shenato..Reʼuven ben Avraham - 1997 - Yerushalayim: ha-Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat Shuvi nafshi.
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  50. Sefer Naḥalat Yaʻaḳov: kolel shene ḥalaḳim ki-mevoʼar ba-shaʻar ha-sheni.Yaʻaḳov ben Avraham - 1879 - [New York?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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